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Glasgow taxi fleet

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Modern vehicles

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Top class maintenance and service

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Available 24/7

At Glasgow Taxis we use only taxis built for the purpose and have a rigorous maintenance and cleaning programme to ensure our fleet taxis always meet the highest standards.

Taxi inspections

Our taxi fleet comes under the supervision of Glasgow City Council and all taxis are comprehensively checked biannually to ensure mechanical and safety fitness standards are maintained. Council officers also carry out random inspections at Glasgow taxi ranks to ensure standards of cleanliness and other licence conditions are being met.

Taxi fleet

The Glasgow Taxis Ltd. taxi fleet consists of London Taxis International TX-style vehicles, which seat five passengers, and the Peugeot Euro Taxi and the Mercedes, which are licensed to carry six persons.

Glasgow Taxis Number


All of our fully disclosed and traceable vehicles can be easily identified by small yellow flags on their roofs.

So what are you guaranteed with all Glasgow Taxis Ltd #YellowFlag vehicles and drivers?

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All drivers have been vetted by Police Scotland, are licensed by Glasgow City Council and have passed a City Council test of their knowledge of the city
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All drivers are members of the PVG (Protecting Vulnerable Groups) Scheme with Disclosure Scotland
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All drivers are also issued with a unique ID number, so that we know who is driving our taxis at all times 
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The maintenance programme for all taxis is strict, and every taxi is rigorously checked twice a year by the council 
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All taxi services are guaranteed to be covered by the proper level of insurance 
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All taxis are wheelchair accessible
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All taxis have 24/7 vehicle tracking 
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All our vehicles are equipped with the latest in radio and GPS communication technology, which means our controllers can maintain constant communication with drivers, who have a full range of satellite navigation options available at the touch of a screen. 

It’s so easy
to book!

It’s so easy
to book!